Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Creative Facilitation Session 3

Dear All,
Today we had our third Creative Facilitation Training. It was very interesting as we learnt some new techniques with their ins-and-outs in addition to some perfectly executed ice-breakers (Human knot and 'SHOOT!')
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As you can see, all the walls were covered with notes and "lessons learnt". We even had to improvise sticking flipovers to pillars of the room and use the floor...

As it seems to have become a tradition, no CF day without a fire alarm going off! Here are some pictures of it...

Jan Buijs and Jan Schoormans watching the crowd

Our very energetic Facilitator-Instructor

After the break, the kick-off of our first 2-hour event happened. We had to solve a problem. It was defined as to design a device which would store tips (money) during a festival dedicated to four different charities. The device was supposed to be inviting for people to open their wallets while satisfying them about their generous act.

The groups (which formed naturally during the morning) were assigned to come up with a concept design and to present it to the group. The winning team (e.g. the proposed concept answering best the problem's owner problem) would win a bottle of wine. The fact that we were all competing and knowing that a potential trophy was to be won stimulated all teams.

Last minute preparations and questions just before starting the teamwork. We decided to leave the room (in which we were since 8.45am) to head for a more inspiring place. This happened to be "the Pit" (or open-air basement) in our faculty!

During this event, a facilitator was designated and a game-plan was designed. No need for an icebreaker, but we did use the following techniques:
  1. Brainwriting Exercise [diverging stage]
  2. Criminal Mind Exercise (find ways how to illegally collect money (at first) and then think how to legalize them) [diverging stage]
  3. Dotting technique [contemplation stage] in which the options which scored lowest were set aside
  4. C-Box technique [convergence stage]. The various options developed here were looked at on 2 axes: feasibility and effectiveness (of collecting money). Our concept with the balloons was developed and refined here.

The 2-hour deadline struck and we had to present a 'blitz-presentation'. The problem owner would decide which team would win the design contest.

The device (backpack) to carry, weigh and visualize the amount of donations...

While Henry presented his group's idea, everyone listened very carefully...
Victor presented our group's idea: A globe with the 4 countries (charities) on it with money slots. People would donate by country they would like. All the coins inside of the globe were mixed. When people donated money, they would indirectly buy a helium inflated balloon. A massive balloon cloud would be released in the evening to celebrate and thank all the people for their donations...nice innit?

3rd Group then presented the following:

The Group of Novi then presented their idea:

Once again, during these presentation, everyone (almost...) paid close attention.
It was now time to give the problem owner the floor as a winner had to be announced.

The tension was rising when Laura was explaining her thought process and how she assessed all four ideas...

Who was the winning team? The next picture will speak for itself...

The Globe Team (we) won! :D
The closing element of today's session was a small note to our teaching assistent which was sick. Hopefully these post-its and messages will help her feel better...

As you can see, this day was full of events. Besides being learnful, the casual atmosphere helped everyone to participate and open-up.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Creative Facilitation Session 2

Dear all,
Last week, we had our second creative facilitation session. It was very interesting as we took on (and experienced) some more advanced techniques.

Our session was interrupted by a fire alarm. Below you can find a small photo-reporting of it..

And yes, the fire brigade did come!

Some just made themselves comfortable...

While our group just 'continued' the session. Of course, other things were being discussed at that time...

Nearly time to enter the building again..

People entering the building verrry slowly as the weather was quite nice outside.

Well, next week another session! I am curious what we will experience then...

Until the next update...

Creative Facilitation Session 1

Dear All,

I am sorry that I didn't post any new posts last weeks. It was quite busy here. However, updating session has started...

Three weeks ago, we had our first "Creative Facilitation" session. It is all about the various techniques a facilitator can use to manage (or stimulate) a group for solving a problem. This is done through creative techniques.

The first part of the day was an ice-breaker session in which we had to form a city in a country. My country was Russia. We were all assigned a job and the first bit of this exercise was to assemble cities with people owning different jobs. After that was done, we had to come up with a name, emblem, symbols and even the history of our city.

Ours was named "Oblomov" (from the book) which stood for a lost, forgotten and drunk place. I will not go deeper in the history of the city as there is no generally accepted version. Well, below you can find a small brainstorming of the characteristics of Oblomov (alignment of the various jobs in our city):

The letters written vertically was the "slogan" of our city....only the true Oblomov knew what it stood for when he wrote this...(again, no common agreement when or where this was done). The only point on which every inhabitant agrees on is the following:
  • Created in 1800 and forgotten in 1845
  • Lost. Drunk and Forgotten (as unofficial slogan)
Well, after this introductory bit, we headed for the experiental bit in which a series of techniques were shown to us.
Our group had to facilitate a session (which for most of us, was a first in our lives...) about "how different leadership styles can affect the outcomes of groupwork". Below, you can find the preparation of our session.

The various members of our group were assigned to act one of the various leadership styles. The other groups (or cities) had to experience how the differences in leadership were affecting them and the overall performance of the team.

Should you want to learn more about creative facilitation, I recommend you read the book of Marc Tassoul. You can find more information here.


Tactility Deliverables

Hello everyone,

In last post you could see that I was working on my first tactility assignment in which I had to find textures (of objects) which please hand and feet and also their counterpart. From these elements, I had to come up with 2 constructed objects.

You can find the first one here:

It is 'simply' a latex glove with water in it. The feeling that it takes over your hand while squeezing it is quite interesting. The coldness of the glove feels very good when hands are hot. However, it tends to warm up which is not very nice...

The second object is here:

Named the "Tactile Ninja", it is constructed from most of the pleasing materials. More pictures just below...

If you need more information, I have made a work-report. Contact me if interested..
